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  • AI21 Labs released Jamba, a, powerful, efficient, open-source model

AI21 Labs released Jamba, a, powerful, efficient, open-source model

PLUS: The Rabbit r1 just got better

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Good morning, human brains, and welcome back to your daily munch of AI news.

Here’s what’s on the menu today:

  • The Juice on Jamba 🧃 🔥

    AI21 Labs released an open-source, powerful, and energy-efficient model.

  • Pet Rock 2.0 🗿 🤘

    Open Interpreter’s 01 Light controls your computer locally.

  • The Rabbit r1 just got better 🗣️ 🐰

  • Rabbit integrated ElevenLabs voice tech into its upcoming device.


Jamba, the juicy new model 🧃 🔥

Yesterday, AI21 Labs released Jamba. It’s an open-source model that boasts a larger context window and requires less compute than ChatGPT, Gemini, and more.

What’s the big deal?

Jamba delivers 3x throughput on long contexts, which makes it more efficient than similar sized models. It boasts a 256,000-token context window, operates on a single 80 GB GPU, and supports English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese.

Just how big is its context window?

256,000 tokens is around 105,000 words, or 210 pages. For comparison, Llama 2 only has a 32,000-token context window and requires more computing power.

What’s under the hood?

Jamba incorporates the Mamba model and features a unique, hybrid architecture that combines transformers and SSMs (state space models) to handle huge sequences of data.

Should I use this instead of ChatGPT?

Eh. Jamba is currently a research model and lacks safety safeguards. AI21 Labs claims a safer version will be released soon.

How can I take it for a spin?

It’s released under the Apache 2.0 license and is available on Hugging Face.

What other open-source AI should I check out?

Last week, we reported on Grok-1. It’s about 300 GB, contains 773 files, and is available now on GitHub.

In February, we covered Frame from Brilliant Labs. It’s a pair of smart glasses with open-source AI that can process and display information on their lenses.

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Talk to a rock 🗿 🤘

Last week, Open Interpreter unveiled its 01 Light. It’s a $99 open-source AI gadget that allows you to control your computer locally with minimal setup.

What is it?

The 01 Light is a portable device that seamlessly integrates with your computer. It can see your screen, use your files and apps, and learn new skills.

What’s under the hood?

It contains an operating system called 01OS that combines code-interpreting language models, speech recognition, and voice synthesis to operate devices conversationally.

Why do I care?

The 01 Light is open-source and can navigate and interact with your computer applications. You can teach it to automate repetitive tasks, send emails, and more.

I want one immediately.

You can pre-order one for $99 or use the code on GitHub to build your own.

What other AI devices are out there?

On Tuesday, we reported on Humane’s Ai Pin. It ships out at the end of March, features a new vision capability, and more.

In December, we covered Meta’s Ray Ban Smart Glasses. It features multimodal AI capabilities that leverage the glasses’ cameras and microphone.


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Don’t go outside, talk to your rabbit 🗣️ 🐰

On Wednesday, ElevenLabs and Rabbit announced their partnership. The goal is to integrate ElevenLabs’ tech into the upcoming Rabbit r1 device.

What’s the point?

ElevenLabs claims its tech will upgrade the r1 with enhanced voice commands, lower latency, and more human-like interactions.

How much is this thing?

The r1 is priced at $199 and has received almost 100,000 orders.

Is it worth buying?

It depends. The r1 offers chatbot interaction, translation, ride/food ordering, vision, and music capabilities out of the box. You can ask it questions, utilize multiple AI models, and more directly on the device. In the future, it will have a Teach Mode where it can learn tasks, automate processes, and more.

I want more info on the r1.

In January, we gave a comprehensive overview of the Rabbit r1. We covered its screen, rotating 360 camera, push-to-talk button, analog wheel, and more.


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Think Pieces

Why can’t AI spell? How image generation models improved at generating hands and how they’ll enhance their spelling capabilities in the future.

What does Stability’s CEO leaving mean for the future of AI? A deep dive into the company’s drama, what decentralized AI looks like, and more.

A look at the EU’s Digital Services Act. The 24 platforms, political deepfakes, freedom of expression, and more.

Startup News

Elon Musk says premium 𝕏 subscribers will gain access to Grok this week. Previously, it was only available for Premium+ members.

Samsung launched its AGI Computing Labs. These labs are based in the US and South Korea and will develop semiconductors for AGI.

Apple announced its Worldwide Developers Conference. It will be in person for select developers and livestreamed from June 10 to 14.


FlashFace — a human image personalization technique that uniquely retains details like freckles, scars, tattoos, and more.

AIOS — an open-source operating system that leverages LLMs with AI agents to create an OS with a “soul.”

OPT2I — enhances the prompt-image consistency of text-to-image models.



Databrick’s released a practical alternative to GPT 3.5.

Tag us on Twitter @BotEatBrain for a chance to be featured here tomorrow.


Until next time 🤖😋🧠