OpenAI just dropped another game-changer

PLUS: How to iMessage Steve Jobs

Good morning human brains, welcome back to your daily munch of AI news.

Here’s what we’ve got for you today:

  • GPT4 plugins & why this is another inflection point 🛠️ 

  • Microsoft’s copilot is about to change work forever 👨‍💻 

  • Getting in touch with Steve Jobs has never been easier 🍎 


ChatGPT Plugins Are Here 🌍️ 

In just a week into the GPT4-launch aftermath, OpenAI has blessed us with access to GPT-4 plugins that work directly in ChatGPT’s interface. Here are some use cases that already work:

1/ Internet Access: GPT can tell you the best-rated restaurant in town and reviewer consensus points, then take you to their reservation page.

2/ Shopping: GPT will recommend you a dish, then add its ingredients to your shopping cart.

visualizations on a csv file

3/ Visualizations: playing with graphs, complex tables, noise isolation, etc.

4/ Editing: properties of pictures, videos, and sounds.

This video explores these in more detail. We’re going to be covering all the cleverest products leveraging plugins in the coming weeks, stay tuned 🍿.

Our Prediction 🔮: ChatGPT is about to create its own ecosystem and see its tallest spike in user adoption as people realize everything it can do for their daily lives. If you’re a developer, times don’t get better than this.


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Microsoft’s Copilot is a Productivity Steroid 💊

Microsoft just gave us a sneak peek into its upcoming copilot that integrates with all Office 365 products, and it’s really impressive. Here’s what it’ll do for you:

In Word: generate summaries, suggests writing tones, and rewrite sections based on outlines or structures.

In PowerPoint: create stunning presentations and transform written documents into complete PPTs with notes and fonts.

In Excel: data analysis and exploration by identifying trends, creating visualizations, and making assumptions that make sense.

In Teams: organize more effective meetings and write down their core takeaways for you, even when you weren’t present.

The Microsoft launch summary covers the above and more.

Our Take: Copilot feels like magic. It’s also probably on-pace to eliminate all of the corporate drudgery, and a sizeable chunk of general corporate work.


iMessage Steve Jobs 🍎 

Steve Jobs replies with voice memos

Being able to interview good old Steve wasn’t on our list of AI predictions, but John Meyer has done it anyway with ChatGPT’s API and an AI trained on Steve Jobs’ voice.

We probably aren’t far from when this tech is weaponized at scale, but in the meantime, we’re just stoked to watch Steve explain COVID-19 in Spanish.


Think Pieces

Medium: is AI the downfall of humanity?

Startup News

Workera: an upskilling platform for enterprise customers just raised $23.5M to double down on using AI.

RoofStock: a prop-tech company using AI to sell rental homes (valued at $1.9B in 2022) lays off 27% of its workforce.


Sparks of AGI: researchers at Microsoft warn GPT-4 shows early signs of AGI.

PIEEG: turn Raspberry Pi into a brain-computer interface to measure biosignals.

WhisperX: time-accurate speech transcription of long-form audio.


ResumeMaker: the AI-powered resume writer.

HeyBot: convert your website, pdf, or YouTube video to a chatbot.

VoicePen: audio/video to blog posts, in minutes.

LogoWizard: generate stunning logos with AI.

eCold: personalizing all your cold emails, automatically.



Looks like our time spent solving captchas is now being used to train AI to generate better images:


Neural Network: A programming technique that takes inspiration from the human brain. Using neural networks an AI is taught to learn and create neural pathways the same way human brains do - through trial, error, and rewards.

Today's AI Art Show 🖌️

Until next time 🤖😋🧠

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