OpenAI unveils DALL-E 3

PLUS: GitHub Copilot Chat is here


Good morning, human brains. Welcome back to your daily munch of AI news.

Here’s what’s on the menu today:

  • Amazon updates Alexa’s AI 🦾 🤖

    Its new LLM allows more natural conversation and advanced processing.

  • OpenAI unveils DALL-E 3 🔥

    Its latest GPT-powered text-to-image tool.

  • GitHub Copilot Chat is here 💻 🤓

    Copilot Chat Beta is now available for individual users.


Amazon’s Alexa AI update 🦾 🤖

Amazon announced Alexa’s new update. It features a shiny, new LLM for more “natural” conversations.

We sure hope so.

What’s up:

1/ Alexa’s new AI model emphasizes controlling smart home devices and delivering real-time information.

2/ The upgrade improves conversational responses, contextual awareness, and multi-command processing.

3/ You can use casual phrases like “I’m cold,” and Alexa will adjust the thermostat.

4/ Amazon also unveiled AI developer tools that allow Alexa to understand custom commands for third-party products.

Our take: It’s about time Alexa got an update, but the AI developer tools could make Alexa a lot more useful.

You could link it to your favorite niche app, like a plant care app. “Alexa, when should I water my succulents next?”



Originally released in January 2021, DALL-E is an AI model developed by OpenAI that generates original images from textual descriptions. Using advanced neural network techniques, it can create a wide range of visual representations based on user-provided text prompts.


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OpenAI’s new GPT-powered DALL-E 3 🔥

OpenAI unveiled DALL-E 3its latest text-to-image generation tool built atop ChatGPT.

Fat stacks.

Better, faster, stronger:

1/ DALL-E 3 produces images that more closely align with text descriptions than previous models.

2/ It generates images with embedded text and accurately rendered elements.

Like hands?

3/ It’s built atop ChatGPT, which allows you to refine text prompts before inputting them into DALL-E 3.

4/ It’s in “research preview” for select customers and will be available to ChatGPT Plus and Enterprise users in October.

Our take: Seamless wording and elements, like hands, have been lacking in image-generation tools since they were introduced. Whether this lives up to its promises or not, we’ll have to see.

We’ll keep our eyes on this.


GitHub Copilot Chat is here 💻 🤓

GitHub expanded beta access for Copilot Chat to all Copilot users. Since July, Copilot Chat was only available for its business clients.

Juicy details:

1/ GitHub introduces natural language as a new universal programming medium, reducing the need for boilerplate code.

2/ Copilot Chat is now free and compatible with Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code.

3/ It provides coding assistance, real-time guidance, code analysis, and troubleshooting options.

Our take: GitHub claims this will minimize context switching, a major productivity killer. This would allow developers to remain in their IDE (integrated development environment) and get more stuff done.

Will it deliver on this promise? Time will tell.



Think Pieces

San Francisco teachers are using AI in their classrooms. Some teachers are enthusiastic about it, but others aren’t so sure.

An in-depth look at LLM training. Everything from hardware to methods, and more.

Even more authors are suing OpenAI. George R. R. Martin, John Grisham, and many more.

Startup News

Salesforce acquires It’s a platform for building “low-code” AI agents specifically for customer service.

LimeWire acquires BlueWillow. The old peer-to-peer media-sharing company’s acquisition makes it one of the leading AI image-generation platforms on the market.

Anthropic published its policy on “Responsible Scaling.” It gives a summary of it’s AI safety levels (ASL) framework.


Language Modeling is Compression — A Google DeepMind paper on the correlation of model size and dataset size in achieving the best compression results

MINDAGENT — a framework for evaluating LLMs in multi-agent collaboration in multiple gaming domains.

Reading Comprehension in LLMs — a method for transforming raw corpora into reading comprehension texts enriched with various tasks related to content.


Shortwave — an AI assistant for your email inbox.

VENDOR — upload an image, select a title, put a brief description in, and AI automatically creates an eBay listing.

NoteNudge — scans your notes and gives you daily AI-powered insights.

Swirl — an AI-powered open-source search engine.


OpenAI tweeted a meme made entirely in DALL-E 3.

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Until next time 🤖😋🧠

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