AI-generated worlds

PLUS: Stanford's new take on AI

Good morning human brains, welcome back to your daily munch of AI news.

Here’s what we’ve got:

  • 3D world generation via prompts 🌍️ 

  • Stanford measured everything in AI 🏫 

  • Google competitor takes new steps 🔍️ 

  • GPT-4 can now fix it’s own code 👨‍💻 

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AI-Generated Worlds Are Here 🌎️ 

OpusAI spent the last four years in the sheds training text-to-media AI models that aim to disrupt the 3D design industry. Today, they’ve got an engine that can generate nuanced worlds through text prompts.

crossroads being designed with text prompts

The absurd quality of the worlds being generated has sparked conversations online about the legitimacy of Opus’s claims, but the consensus remains that the demos look extremely impressive.

Opus’s demo is just another testament to the breakneck speed game development is starting to be democratized at. Anyone with an idea will be able to realize it by collaborating with AI soon, just like we can with text and video already.

If you’re a game developer: (or anyone, really) now is the perfect time to learn about and arm yourself with AI tools that supercharge your work.


The Turing Test

Computer scientist Alan Turing’s (1950) test claiming that if a machine can have a conversation with a human without being detected as a machine, it has approached human-level intelligence. ChatGPT clears it.


Validate First - Ebook

Written by a startup marketer who's launched 13 different startups to more than $2MM in annual revenue, Validate First is a complete guide to both the strategy of how to test your business idea before launch and the tactics of exactly how to do it.

Use real customer data to validate and refine your business idea in one week.

If you have a burning desire to launch something incredible, but you're afraid that your business idea might not succeed, this book is for you. If your business is struggling to find and connect to new customers, this book is for you. If you're worried about pivoting your business, this book is for you.

If you have all the answers, sleep through every night, and never worry about a thing, this probably isn't the book for you.

This book contains everything you need to test and validate your business idea—or pivot the existing business you're working on—and do so with confidence because it's backed with data.


Stanford’s 2023 AI Index 📈 

The AI Index is an independent initiative at Stanford that tracks, distills, and visualizes all kinds of data relating to AI development. Here are some of its highlights from everything that’s happened in the last few years:

1/ Global Corporate Investment in AI has increased 13-fold in the last decade, peaking in 2021 and beginning to stabilize now.

2/ AI research output continues to grow, with the number of papers submitted to arXiv on AI-related topics doubling in the last five years.

3/ Job postings seeking AI skills increased across the board. California posted the most AI-related jobs by far, followed by Texas and New York.

4/ Large language models consistently keep scaling in both size and expense. Google’s PaLM has 540 billion parameters and cost an estimated $8 million.

5/ Reported AI issues were 26 times greater in 2021 than in 2012, due to both an increase in AI use and growing awareness of its misuse.

6/ Legislative bodies in 127 countries passed 37 laws that included “AI” this past year. The U.S. led the list with nine laws, followed by Spain.

Why this matters: well-researched reports like this one keep a tab on the bigger picture within the noise. Use their findings to identify macro-trends before they’re obvious, and you may just survive the bot-pocalypse.


Google’s Bard was all talk, no game. Now they’re taking away stapler privileges from employees to cut down on bills…


Think Pieces

Stanford Business School: how to survive the AI revolution.

Marques Brownlee: levels of AI development and AI Jay-Z (6min video).

Greg Isenberg: how AI transforms SEO.

Startup News

Y Combinator startups that are trying to build ‘ChatGPT for X’.

Price-optimizing AI startup Fetcherr raises $12.5M to dynamically price airfare with algorithms.

AI-powered search engine Perplexity AI lands $26M, launches iOS app.

Perplexity AI is tackling Google with a GPT-esque interface


Stanford: the 2023 AI index report (386 pages).

Data point selection for line chart visualization: methodological assessment and evidence-based guidelines


SiteGPT: make a personalized GPT-powered chatbot for your website.

HideGPT: make your writing invisible to GPT-detectors.

Yarnit: the AI-powered platform for digital storytelling and creating content.

Opus Clip: turn a long video into 10 viral clips, in one click.


Significant Gravitas’s open-source attempt at making an AGI for software development can now build and debug its own work.

Tag us on Twitter @BotEatBrain for a chance to be featured here tomorrow.


Until next time 🤖😋🧠

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